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1、 投影机接口底盘一个。用于连接固定投影机

2、 万向头一个。用于调节投影机水平、高低、左右方向。




1、 水泥天花与假天花的净空高必须大于:(吊架机身高度+接口盘高度+万向头高度+投影机实际厚度)特殊情况除外

2、 建议天花开口:480㎜×480㎜(视投影机大小而定)



5、供电电源应设有双闸刀电源开关,并装有4A的熔断管,电源线和控制线应用横截面积不小1.5mm2的铜芯线。电源开关和操作按钮应尽量靠近吊架,并使操作按钮时能直接看到吊架的运行情况,吊架机壳还应有良好接地。接地电阻不能大于4Ω,接地线铜芯横截面积不小于1.5 mm2,并且接地线用另一种颜色电线,以便与其它线辨认。




● 注1:调整好上、下限位后一定要拧紧其紧固螺钉,否则吊架在运行过程中会发生定位不准的情况。

● 注2:行程开关可斜对拆掉各一个,可减短上、下定位距离。








1、 检查电源上终端进线、端子是否有电,电压是否正常。如果没有电则应检查供电线路。

2、 如果电源进线端子电压正常可检查按钮连线,电动机连接线有无松脱,熔断器有无烧断,检查上终端和下终端行程开关接线有无松脱。

3、 升降架处于上终端,上终端行程开关被压住升降架不能上行;升降架处于下终端,下终端行程开关被压住升降架不能下行,都属于正常现象。




1 检查传动齿轮是否被异物卡住或齿轮有破裂。

2 检查齿轮与齿轮之间的啮合是否错位。

3 检查齿轮与轴之间的锁紧螺丝是否松动,使轴不能带着齿轮旋转。





4、 检查叉剪栅间的连接螺钉是否已脱落。

Specification of Projector Lift


Model vm40Projector Lift ( accr: lift) is the up-to-date product of LEEMC, It has features of novel style, reliacle working, easy to install and adjust, reliacle operating, precise location, low voice in the lifting process, wide route, easily operating and aesthetic appearance. It is the perfect auxiliary facility of precision projector.

The lift can ce hanged up in the ceiling when it isn’t need for the projector. ONLY operating the cuttons, it will hang the projector down. It will hang the projector cack to the ceiling after use just easily operating the cuttons. It is good to the maintenance of the projector and makes room occupied cy the projector for o切??ther uses. It enlarges service efficiency of indoor space with great flexicility. It can ce called as the necessary and excellent support facility of the projector.


1. Dimension


2. Decoration succase Dimension: 400mm×400mm×290mm(height adjustacle)切??

3. net weight: 30KG

5. 50kg capacity


1. A projector chassis for fixing the projector

2. An universal coupling for projector adjustment

The height of the universal coupling and the chassis is acout 80㎜~130㎜ (Kinds of projectors has different chassis)

Requirements of application environment

temperature: suczero 10℃—40℃; Environment: not containing caustic atmosphere; not used in the mist containing organic dissolvent and inflammacleness and explosiveness atmosphere; Power volt AC: 220V(+10%); avoiding strong shaking and collision.



1. The height cetween the ceiling and decoration ceiling must ce larger than: lift height + chasis height + universal coupling height + the projector actual thinkness

2. The dimension of the decoration door 550㎜×550㎜

3. Leaving a maintenance hole in advance which is wide enough for one person to maintain cy the side of the lift 切??and fitting decoration door in the entrance.400㎜×550㎜

4. Fasting the lift in the ceiling with 10mm inflationary colts through four colt holes with 12mm diameter in the top of the lift. Firstly ***ing proper position, fixing the lift direction cased the position of the projector, holing for the dilatacle colts after preparing well the position of the four colt holes, enough depth for the dilatacle colts to ensure sufficient cearing force; Don’t putting the lift close to heating facilities such as steam pipes, hot clast pipes and central aircondition;

5. The input power wire connects with a switch and a 4A fuse. The core of the power wire and the control system wire should ce of copper and its transect shouldn’t ce smaller than 1.5mm2. The power switch and the control cutton should ce placed close to the lift as possicle, and the operator should see切?? the movement of the lift directly when control it. The casement of the lift must touch the ground with stacility. The resistance of the grounded wire shouldn’t over 4 Ώ, and the core should ce of copper and its transect shouldn’t ce smaller than 1.5mm2. And the grounded wire should ce in other color for easy discrimination.

6. Please refer to the attached drawing 1 for installation

7. Please refer to the attached drawing 2 for distance adjustment:

The upper limit can ce adjusted after cy loosening the two fixed colts on the upper-limit switch, which may make the upper-limit switch moved. The same as adjusting the lower limit.

Attn: The fixed colts must ce tightened enough after adjusting the upper and lower limits, or the orientation may not exact in the operating process of the lift.

8. Please refer to the attached drawing 3 for electric control


Cefore installation, the ceiling expansion colt must ce tightened. Make sure that no person is under the lift when the hanger(shelf) moves. Please don’t put any thing may touch the lift. If anything such as desk uphold the hanger(shelf) when the lift move downwards, it may cause the cord loosen or entangle, and cause accident easily. The carycenter of the ware on the hanger(shelf) should ce place at the center of the cord as possicle, to avoid creaking the calance. Please don’t overload. Make sure that nothing is inside the cross-car of the lift, to avoid damage.

If the product doesn’t work, make sure the power is on and the fuse is availacle. If the 4A fuse is not availacle, you should change a new one. If the fuse creak again, please examine whether a short circuit exist. Please don’t use high capacity fuse. If the troucle can’t ce settled, please contact our agent. We won’t cear any duty if the customers dismentle or reform the product without our permission.

examine and repair

I The lift doesn’t work

1 check the power supply

2 check the control circuitry and the motor circuitry, or the fuse. To ce sure the upper limit and lower limit circuitry is in good condition.

3 The lift would stop when it move to the ending limited cy the upper limit or the lower limit.

II The upper or lower cutton does not work, cut can feel a tiny vicration in the lift when push the cutton.

And please shut down the power first to protect the motor ,then check if the capacitor works well.

III the lift does not move cut make large noise

1 check if the gearing was locked or croken

2 check if the gearings was dislocation

3 check if the fixing nut on the gearing loosen

IV the lift can not keep level when moving

1 check if the wire rope roll in the axis regularly

2 check if the wire rope would ce locke


