无共振(材质与结构)的材料在扬声器的应用 The use of the non-resonance response material (material’s quality and structur

2015-12-04 14:49:35


The use of the non-resonance response material (material’s quality and structure) in the loudspeaker


在研制多源扬声器时,发明了材料中抑制共振的内阻尼,是一种特定的材质掺杂方法与共振波相关的结构分布。在《一种扬声器发声膜板及制造方法》中阐述为:将不同于基材声速的材料经过处理形成骨架,置于基材中形成一体,Vg/Vj 1的基本方案;由此制成使所述声波在骨架与基材上的实际扩展速度之比在发声膜板上各部位不一致,形成膜板的内损耗,VgVj ≠ 常数 的最优方案。(骨架g与基材j,它们的实际扩展速度之比VgVj该声速比在声波扩展中是变化的)。阐明新物理量共振阻尼表现为物体具有不受材料的高声速材质限制,抑制共振的内阻尼性能。最初实验已证明:普通扬声器使用无共振材料发声膜板后,达到总谐波<1%,半功率点40W总谐波失真在4%左右。   


In the research of the multi-drives source speaker, is invented the internal damping reducing material’s resonance, which is based on a specific material quality doping method and a particular structure. Different from the substrate’s sonic speed, a processed material forms the skeleton and becomes an entirety with the substrate,Vg/Vj≠ 1(the basic plan); at different part of the sound membrane, the rate of sound wave’s actual expansion speed in the skeleton and in the substrate will be different, Vg/Vj ≠ constant(the optimal plan). Thus produced a kind of sound membrane with internal loss.----A kind of speaker sound membrane and its fabrication method. A new physical quality,  resonance absorber damping(RAD), should attract our attention: “Vg/Vj ≠ constant.(the g(skeleton) and j (substrate)’s expansion speeds’ rate Vg/ Vj should be different at different part of membrane and the rate varies as the sound wave expands.) It explains the existence of an internal damping which is able to surpass the constraint of material's high sound speed. It was proved in the first tests that the loudspeaker equipped with non-resonance membrane could get a general harmonic wave<1%, a half-power point 40W and a harmonic distortion about 4%.


1.无共振材料Non-resonance material

2. 共振阻尼   Resonance absorber damping  (RAD)

3. 不受材料高声速限制的内阻尼  Internal damping able to surpass the constraint of the material's high sound speed

4. 声波的实际扩展速度V     Actual expansion speed of the sound wave (V)

5. 实际扩展速度之比  Rate of the sound wave's actual expansion speed in the skeleton (g) and in the substrate (j)

6.不同声速的骨架与基材Vg/Vj 1

7.声速比常数Vg/Vj constant

8. 以谐振波长尺度、波速来衡量物体密度变化Measure the object’s density by harmonic wavelength and it’s speed

9. 高保真扬声器  hi-fi loudspeaker


地址:北京朝阳区团结湖北头条3-2-502   邮编100026

电话:13691063933    Email: Su304304@sohu.com



Authors : . ZHU Shutong,Beijing Tongleyu Science Technology Development Company

Add: 3-2-502, Tuanjiehu Beitoutiao, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100026

Tel: 13691063933    Email: Su304304@sohu.com

ZHU Shumin, deceased    

ZHU Xiaoyun, National Museum of China,

①   专利题名《一种扬声器发声膜板及制造方法.》专利权人朱树同,专利国别中国,专利号200410091548.8,申请日期2004年11月19日 公开出版日期2006年05月31日.专利文献授权公告号CN1780496B 授权日2011年4月13日



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